summer fleet maintenance

7 Fleet Maintenance Issues to Look Out For in the Summer and How To Prepare

The summer is hard on everything, and cars are no exception. From overheating engines to blown-out tires, the heat can be detrimental to vehicles, especially fleet vehicles that are logging thousands of miles every month. The high temperatures can cause your vehicles to break down faster, leaving you no choice but to shell out for repairs you weren’t expecting. There’s a lower chance of unexpected breakdowns and repairs when you have well-maintained vehicles. Below are the top seven most common summer-related vehicle issues and what you can do to prepare. 

Staying on top of vehicle maintenance when you’re in charge of dozens of vehicles can be daunting, if not time-consuming and expensive. That’s where Fleet Advisor comes in. As Denver’s premier fleet management and fleet maintenance company, Fleet Advisor can manage your fleet, stay up-to-date on maintenance, and ensure your fleet is ready for anything, whether it be tough weather, repairs, or DOT inspections


The Issue: Hot weather puts a strain on the engine cooling system. Insufficient coolant levels, damaged hoses, a malfunctioning radiator, or a faulty thermostat can lead to engine overheating, which may result in severe engine damage if not addressed promptly.

The Fix: To prevent your engine from overheating during summer, inspect the radiator and coolant system. Check for leaks, damaged hoses, or a corroded radiator. Make sure the coolant mixture is appropriate for your vehicle’s requirements, and the coolant level is adequate. If necessary, have the cooling system flushed and refilled.

Battery Problems 

The Issue: High temperatures can accelerate the chemical reactions inside a vehicle’s battery, causing it to lose its charge more quickly. Weak or old batteries may struggle to start the vehicle, and extreme heat can even cause battery fluid to evaporate, leading to battery failure.

The Fix: Inspect the battery terminals for corrosion and ensure they’re securely connected. If there is corrosion, clean it off with a battery-cleaning brush. If your battery is several years old or showing signs of weakness, consider having it tested or replaced if necessary. This will prevent your vehicles from being stranded on the job.

Tire Blowouts

The Issue: Underinflated or worn-out tires are more susceptible to blowouts, especially when exposed to hot pavement. Increased temperatures can cause the air inside the tires to expand, putting additional stress on them. This risk is higher if the tires are improperly inflated or have insufficient tread depth.

The Fix: Regularly inspect your tires for wear and tear, ensuring they have sufficient tread depth. Rotate your tires as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer to promote even wear and extend their lifespan. Additionally, check tire pressure regularly, as hot summer temperatures can cause tire pressure to rise.

Air Conditioning Issues

The Issue: Summer demands reliable air conditioning to keep the interior cool and comfortable. If the A/C system is not properly maintained, it may fail to provide adequate cooling, blow warm air, or develop leaks. These issues can make driving uncomfortable, especially during hot days.

The Fix: Before the scorching heat arrives, test your vehicle’s air conditioning system to make sure it’s functioning properly. Check for adequate cooling and airflow, and if you notice any issues, such as weak cooling or unusual noises, have it inspected by a professional technician.

Insufficient Fluids

The Issue: Between the coolant, engine oil, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid, there are too many fluids to keep track of, especially when you have a fleet of vehicles. A lack of fluids can cause parts to wear down quicker or break when you least expect them. For example, insufficient coolant can cause the engine to overheat, an expense no fleet wants to deal with, while low brake fluid will make brakes feel spongy. Simply put, ignoring fluid levels is an easy way to end up paying for repairs. 

The Fix: Ensure that all vital fluids in your vehicle are at the appropriate levels. This includes engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Adequate fluid levels will help keep your vehicle running smoothly.

Brake Problems

The Issue: Over time, heat can cause brake fluid to degrade, resulting in reduced braking performance. In extreme cases, the brake fluid can boil, leading to a spongy brake pedal or complete brake failure. Though brake pads are designed to withstand high temperatures, they are also vulnerable to the summer heat. Prolonged exposure to high heat can accelerate brake pads’ deterioration, leading to them being replaced. 

The Fix: You’ll want to do regular brake system inspections and fluid replacements to keep your vehicles running smoothly in the summer. In addition to inspecting and replacing brake pads and brake fluid, you’ll also want to clean up other parts of the brake system and get them lubricated. If you can do this every six months, or every 20,000 to 60,000 miles, your vehicle’s brakes won’t be a problem, even with the summer heat. 

Paint and Interior Damage

The Issue: Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight and UV rays can fade and damage a vehicle’s paint, leading to a dull appearance and reduced resale value. That’s especially true for vehicles being operated in Denver, with the mile-high city receiving roughly 20 percent more UV radiation due to the high elevation. Also vulnerable to the sun is the vehicle’s interior, with materials like upholstery, dashboard, and trim fading, cracking, or warping due to heat and sunlight exposure.

The Fix: Summer brings increased exposure to sunlight, UV rays, and various environmental elements. Regularly wash your vehicle to remove dirt, dust, and debris that can harm the paint and finish. Apply a protective wax or sealant to shield the exterior from UV damage and maintain its appearance. If possible, try to store your vehicles under a covered structure when they’re not in use to protect them from the sun. 

Stay on Top of Fleet Maintenance With Fleet Advisor

If you’re tired of dealing with expensive repairs that could have easily been fixed if you only had the time, it’s time to call Denver’s Fleet Maintenance experts. With our on-site mobile service, our fleet maintenance experts can come to you for inspections, maintenance, and repairs. We can get your vehicles ready for the summer before the first 80 F day pops up, and we can also prepare your vehicles to ace their DOT inspections. 

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Go to shop for all your fleet maintenance needs in Denver and the surrounding areas. Our years of experience have led us into this venture, a one-stop shop for all your fleet’s needs.

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Stay On Top Of Fleet Maintenance With Fleet Advisor

If you’re tired of dealing with expensive repairs that could have easily been fixed if you only had the time, it’s time to call Denver’s Fleet Maintenance experts. With our on-site mobile service, our fleet maintenance experts can come to you for inspections, maintenance, and repairs. We can get your vehicles ready for the summer before the first 80 F day pops up, and we can also prepare your vehicles to ace their DOT inspections.

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